study with us
Pick your career
A Specialty Culinary Art Technician - Chef's profession is an art form, an expression of emotion. All senses are engaged in this gastronomic experience.
Pastry Chef
Pastry Chef
There are no limits to what can be created by bakers and confectioners! Nevertheless, it is a demanding, modern profession that requires discipline, while it is based on chemistry and requires precision and finesse. It is a profession that rewards students both with restoration and with joy, as sweets and pastries are loved by young and old alike.
Pastry Chef
Pastry Chef
Tourism Studies
Tourism Studies
Study tourism, in a dynamic, innovative and outgoing sector of the global economy.
Tourism Studies
Tourism Studies
Infant care
Infant care
The Childcare Assistant specialty is valuable since it offers benefits not only to children, but also to society at large.
Infant care
Infant care




Continuing Education and Lifelong Learning
Programs & Seminars
Professional Cooking - Level 1
Professional Cooking - Level 1
The KDMB Orizon implements the hands on educational program “Professional Cooking”, with the aim of introducing the trainees to the secrets of professional cooking. The lessons take place in the fully equipped laboratory of IEK Orizon.
Professional Cooking - Level 1
Professional Cooking - Level 1
Professional Confectionery - Level 1
Professional Confectionery - Level 1
In addition to a technical profession, Pastry is a real Art.With the imagination and creativity to lead but also the discipline to play an important role, pastry chef undertakes the proper operation of the pastry shop, a food unit.
Professional Confectionery - Level 1
Professional Confectionery - Level 1
Meat School
Meat School
The Batsolakis Meat School, in collaboration with IEK ORIZONOS, is launching the new course for the Butcher Certification in Kalamata.
Meat School
Meat School
Spa Therapist
Spa Therapist
Ο πιστοποιημένος Spa Therapist είναι σε θέση να εργαστεί σε οποιοδήποτε spa και να προσφέρει υπηρεσίες wellness, χαλάρωσης και αισθητικής στους πελάτες του.
Spa Therapist
Spa Therapist




University Studies
Get a University degree (BSc, MSc)