IEK ORIZON participates in the online contest "The Triplicity Contest" of the Erasmus TEF program
IEK ORIZON participates in the online contest "The Triplicity Contest" of the Erasmus TEF program
Students of the Hospitality Management Department – Ioannis Maroulis, Artiola Tsane, Ilias Chaikos, Victoria Soulianakou, along with their professor and European Programs Manager Tina Giannakea, participated in the online contest "The Triplicity Contest" under the Erasmus TEF – Tourism Education of the Future program, in which our IEK is participating with project code: 2022-1-IT01-KA220-VET-000085751.** This approved program aims to provide future tourism professionals, as well as their educators, with the skills they lack to adapt to the new demands of tourism. In this program, we share our experiences, knowledge, and create innovative learning experiences for our students along with leading Vocational Training Institutes from Italy, the Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, Bosnia and Herzegovina, as well as EfVET, one of the largest and most important European networks of Vocational Education and Training providers. The project focuses on three main axes: 1. **Training of tourism educators** 2. **Transnational initiatives among students (online and in-person skills competitions).** The collaboration among partner teachers for the organization and development of blended skills competitions and online contests aims to improve the skills and capabilities of teachers in managing student-centered, project-based learning activities, as well as enhancing their digital teaching techniques. 3. **Adapting vocational education and training to new trends and skills in tourism.** Identifying skills gaps in tourism at a regional and local level. Students from IEK Horizon #IEKORIZON – Kalamata, Greece, #IUS International University of Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and #Insignare EHF-Fatima Hospitality Vocational School – Fatima, Portugal, participated in the contest. They collaborated for two months, conducting research on each other's countries and creating presentations for a 3-day stay in the cities of the other students. They communicated in English, enhanced their digital skills, and got to know students from other countries. Congratulations to all the students and teachers from all schools for their participation in the contest!

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