Teacher Training Course STEAM - Innovative teaching in the digital age
Teacher Training Course STEAM - Innovative teaching in the digital age
Teacher Training Course STEAM - Innovative teaching in the digital age
The course is eligible for the use of all national and international grants. You can also join our course with your own budget. The course is open to educators all over the world.
STEAM is more than just a buzzword or a tack-on to STEAM. It’s an educational model that builds the creative problem – solving and critical thinking skills students will need in the 21st century workforce. It may also be one of the keys to solving humanity’s biggest challenges in the years to come.

For more information for the program take a look HERE

For more information, please contact by e-mail: erasmus@bougas-school.gr

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More about Erasmus

IEK ORIZON participates in the online contest "The Triplicity Contest" of the Erasmus TEF program

IEK ORIZON participates in the online contest "The Triplicity Contest" of the Erasmus TEF program

Tourism Education of the Future International Workshop in Fatima Portugal WORK IN ACTION – TOURISM, TEACHERS, STUDENTS, WELLBEING

Tourism Education of the Future International Workshop in Fatima Portugal WORK IN ACTION – TOURISM, TEACHERS, STUDENTS, WELLBEING

Participation in the TTT Tourism Thematic Group Annual Conference in Finland

Participation in the TTT Tourism Thematic Group Annual Conference in Finland

Blended Skills Competition at Horeca Landstede Zwolle

Blended Skills Competition at Horeca Landstede Zwolle

Συμμετοχή του IEK ΟΡΙΖΩΝ στο ετήσιο συνέδριο του EFVET

Συμμετοχή του IEK ΟΡΙΖΩΝ στο ετήσιο συνέδριο του EFVET

Tourism Education of the Futures

Tourism Education of the Futures

ERASMUS+ Tourism Education of the Future (TEF)

ERASMUS+ Tourism Education of the Future (TEF)

Εσωτερικός Διαγωνισμός Μαγειρικής

Εσωτερικός Διαγωνισμός Μαγειρικής

The Tourism Glocal Conference

The Tourism Glocal Conference

Tourism Education of the Future (TEF), inaugural meeting in the Netherlands

Tourism Education of the Future (TEF), inaugural meeting in the Netherlands

It is now official that IEK will have its first ERASMUS program!

It is now official that IEK will have its first ERASMUS program!